Frequently Asked Questions
Days is a Medpasser and 2 CNA’s, PM’s is a Medpasser and 2 CNA’s, and Nights is a MedPasser and one CNA
Yes, we pass snacks at 2pm. But there is always fresh fruit in the dining area. You just have to help yourself. Also, if you want or need a snack anytime of the day, you just have to ask.We also have an ice cream machine that anytime staff and residents can have ice cream.
We have a fulltime Activity Director Monday thru Friday.
The activity calendar for the current month is posted to the website. You can view the months activities there.
No we do not. An Assisted Living Facility is not required to have a nurse in the building 24/7. However, she is available 24/7.
Yes we are allowing visitors to the facility. We ask that all visitors sign in our book at the front desk. We remind visitors that if you are sick with a cold, cough or fever to refrain from visiting.
Yes we do.
We have an assessment tool that we use to determine the cost. It is based on needs of the resident.